1. What is the terahertz frequency emitted by the iTeracare instrument?
   Answer: 2-17 THZ unit of terahertz wave

2. Is it high frequency or low frequency?
  Answer: between mid-frequency and low-frequency

3. Is it a fixed frequency or a range frequency?
   Answer: is the range frequency

4. When the iTeracare device is blown to the body, what is the frequency of body cells or blood?
   Answer: It is the same frequency as normal cells. It activates our cells. Making our cells healthy.

5. What are the components of the terahertz emission source of the iTeracare moxibustion instrument?
  Answer: The crystal energy tube generates terahertz through the heating of the motor through the crystals.

6. How long is the life of the emission source?
  Answer: Up to 5 years

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